Public Speaking
Nude Public Speakers?
The effort to spread the word that nudism can be mainstream takes above average communications skills to overcome prejudice and misconceptions. Most people haven’t developed the exceptional public speaking skills it takes to convince an audience. Here’s a low impact way for members to develop their speaking skills. The skills will be helpful both in public speaking and in one-on-one conversations.
Toastmasters International is now celebrating its 80th year working to improve people’s communications skills, particularly public speaking. Toastmasters International is aimed at ordinary people. Members run their own clubs, helping each other to improve their skills. I suggest that nudists consider joining Toastmasters to improve their speaking and help them to become more convincing as the nudist movement becomes more widely accepted.
There are Toastmasters clubs everywhere. Look them up in the telephone book or visit them at on the Internet. On your first visits you will see how well ordinary people have developed their ability to speak and to organize speeches. You will soon want to join the club when you find out how useful the experience can be to yourself. If you have trouble organizing a persuasive speech, if you say “uh” too often, if you are afraid to get up in front of other people, Toastmasters will help. First of all, it is fun and the people are friendly, but more importantly, Toastmasters will bring out the best in you, helping you to become a much more persuasive speaker when called upon for your opinions on nudism or any subject.
There is a special program to introduce organizations to Toastmasters: Speechcraft. Experienced Toastmaster members will come to your meetings to present a series of hands-on workshops on public speaking. The four to six meeting experience will get your members over their stage fright and will help you develop persuasive speeches that fit your message to your community. In Speechcraft you will learn to be comfortable speaking to groups and individuals. Members will assist you in becoming members or in starting your own club. They may be a little hesitant as most textiles are at first to come to a nudist club but they will get used to it. Maybe some of them will join your club when they see what you are all about. Contact someone in Toastmasters today.
Still scared of public speaking? Just imagine that everyone out in the audience is sitting there with their clothes on. :-)
Paul from Washington
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